Our commitment is to provide the highest quality Physiotherapy at the most affordable prices.
Established in 2011 Stages Physiotherapy has built a reputation second to none on the Gold Coast. We have a large number of General Practitioners and surgeons who refer their patients to us in the knowledge that best case outcomes can be achieved. Our Physiotherapists actually care about their patients and the standard of treatment they provide. This includes hands-on Physiotherapy, Pilates Rehabilitation and Dry Needling. All age groups are treated for the entire range of conditions and injuries that physiotherapists can treat. Having built up an incredible goodwill on the Gold Coast we are always heavily booked but we will make every effort to accommodate new and existing patients in a timely manner. Cybèle Cheers BPhty (Hons) and Amy Donnelly BPhty (Hons) are dedicated physiotherapists each excelling both at University and in their practice careers. Experience, training and attitude set them apart in their chosen fields. You will experience great care and skill when treated by these professionals.
What Physio can offer
At stages physiotherapy, we assist with healing, pain relief and movement for a wide range of ailments including, Acute injuries, Chronic conditions, Pain relief management. Read More
Types of Treatment
The choice of treatment relies on the assessment findings by the physiotherapist. They are chosen for each individual patient. Physiotherapy treatment is Evidence Based, meaning it has been scientifically proven to help musculoskeletal conditions. Joint mobilization/manipulation, Dry needling, Remedial massage therapy, Electrotherapy. Read More
Clinical Pilates
Over the last 15 years physiotherapists have increasingly used Pilates as an effective form of rehabilitation. By applying modifications to the traditional exercises founded by Joseph Pilates, physiotherapists have developed a safe form of rehabilitation to suit the needs of each patient. Read More
Manual handling techniques
Consists of manual medicine techniques to treat musculoskeletal conditions. These are conditions related to the muscles, bones, joints, connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments, spinal discs and the nervous system to enable them to all work together. This hands-on way of assessment and treatment is the most accurate way a therapist can evaluate and treat a patient’s condition. Read More
Electrotherapy is medical therapy using electrical currents. Therapeutic Ultrasound produces cavitation, microstreaming and acoustic streaming. Cavitational effects result from the vibration of the tissue. This causes microscopic air bubbles to form which transmit the vibrations in a way that directly stimulates cell membranes. This physical stimulation appears to enhance the cell-repair effects of the inflammatory response. Therapeutic ultrasound is recommended for muscle as well as joint pain. Read More
Heat/Cryo Therapy
Heat Therapy can produce heating effects at a depth limited to 1-2cm. Heat assists in diminishing pain and decreases local muscle spasm. Heat is generally not applied to an acute injury in the first 48 hours. Read More
Acupuncture/Dry needling
Western Acupuncture uses traditional ‘meridian points’ but applies it to ‘Western’ methods of clinical analysis relating to neurophysiology and anatomy. These points assist in relieving pain, promote health and assist in muscle release. Read More
Clinical Exercise Rehabilitation
Pilates was developed in the early 20th century by a man Joseph Pilates. His original method “Contrology” has been adapted by physiotherapists and altered using safe, evidence based research techniques to provide a Clinical foundation of exercises to use for patient rehabilitation. Read More

EPC Care Plans
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Office Hours
Monday – Thursday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am – 3:30pm |